I genuinely love my man of God. There are many anointed men of God but Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is my man of God. I crave for the anointing upon his life. I love his personality, his principles, his leadership style and everything about him.
Whatever you genuinely admire, someone genuinely disdain. What you genuinely believe, someone genuinely doubts.
What you genuinely like, someone genuinely dislikes.
What you are genuinely working for, someone genuinely wants to destroy.
What you are genuinely building, someone genuinely wants to pull down.
What you genuinely honour, someone genuinely dishonours.
What you will genuinely defend, someone will genuinely attack.
I genuinely believe in the name of Jesus Christ, someone genuinely doubts Jesus Christ.
I genuinely love, adore, admire,believe, like, honour Bishop Dag Heward-Mills.
Please watch your heart.