In the wake of the glorious home going of the man rightfully acclaimed the Evangelist of Africa, Reinhard Bonnke, Christians across the African continent are left wondering who will carry the mantle of evangelising the unreached regions of Africa and the world at large?
Reinhard Bonnke in his lifetime, evangelized in Africa in a way no one ever did. As he described it himself “the days of the combined harvestor”
His crusades across the continent led some 79 million souls to Jesus according to Cfan.
He recounts in his autobiography, how the torch for evangelism passed from Luis Graf to his grandfather August Bonnke and to his father. His divine appointment with the English Evangelist George Jefferys passed the mantle to him.
But Reinhard is known to have always asked at the end of his crusades who would take the microphone from his hand.
In his autobiography, he wrote, “In recent crusades I have shared the platform with a 27-year-old evangelist who shares my passion for the lost. His name is Daniel Kolenda. For years I have scanned the skies for young men and women who have a burning heart for the lost to be saved. Daniel is surely one of them.”
Bonnke added, “I believe he is one of the next generation’s movers and shakers…. I have handed him my microphone to preach the gospel from the CfaN platform….”
In his last crusade in Nigeria in which he had 1.7 million people in attendance he said, “Kolenda has big shoes to fill”
A close look at his autobiography makes you see Reinhard Bonnke yearned for people to take up the commission. He asked,
“am I handing the baton to this young man, ……Is he the next runner? Yes, but honestly, that next runner is also you. Bonnke continues, “…. this calling is for every believer, no matter how gifted, or how limited. You may be a housewife, a grocery clerk, a policeman, a teacher, a student, a secretary, a delivery person, a fry cook, a pastor, an executive – look in the mirror. The Great Commission is for you. If you belong to Jesus, God is preparing a platform for you. He will gather your crowd, great or small, from one lost soul to a desperate crowd of millions”
And so another man who has believed and received this mantle of Reinhard Bonnke from afar is the Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills of Ghana.
The anointing of Bonnke is not difficult to see on his life considering the masses of people who attend his crusades. He has plundered the kingdom of the enemy and keeps plundering it winning millions into the kingdom of God.
Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is reported to have held major crusades in almost every West African country and usually his crusades span more than four(4) cities in each country. His crusades have also traveled to South as well as Eastern African countries like Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Zambia etc just sweeping souls into the Kingdom of God.
Recently Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills and the Healing Jesus Campaign team marked the 200th campaign in the city of Tepa, Ghana.
By their fruits you shall know them!
The sons of Bonnke are continuing in combined harvesting of souls from every corner of Africa with the gospel of Jesus, leading masses to Jesus!
Definitely Bonnke’s passion to win souls for Jesus cannot be lost with such sons!!