Police hold Remembrance Day for fallen officers in Central Region


The Central Regional Police Command on Wednesday held a Remembrance Day for three gallant officers who lost their lives in the line of duty this year in the region.

Held at the forecourt of the Regional Police head office, the ceremony brought together families of the bereaved officers and other security agencies.

The deceased police officers were Sergeant Hifzullai Alihu, Corporal Kojo Mahama, and Chief Inspector Williams Dogbe.

Sgt. Alihu, who was with the operations units in Cape Coast, was run over by a driver, C/L Mahama, with the Court unit died in a motor accident and Inspector Dogbe died after a short illness.

Wreaths were laid to celebrate the fallen heroes for their dedication and commitment to the peace and stability of the country.

Mr Ernest Arthur, the Cape Coast Metropolitan Chief Executive, who represented Mrs. Justina Marigold Assan, the Regional Minister laid a wreath on behalf of the President and the people of Ghana,

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Alexander Amenyo, the Regional Police Commander, laid the wreath  on behalf of Dr. George Akufo-Dampare, the Inspector General of Police while Mrs Fatimatu Issah did for the departed officers.

Reverend Chief Inspector Felix Mensah-Kwagyir, the Chaplain at the Command led the memorial service, exhortation, and a call to remembrance.

There was a sounding of the last post and a minute silence was observed and flags hoisted at half mast and  officers in uniform saluted.

Addressing the gathering before the ceremony, DCOP Amenyo charged the officers not to be discouraged by the challenges but be resilient and determined to maintain national peace.

He said the Remembrance Day had been singled out by the Police Administration to give special recognition to serving police officers who lost their lives while on duty, be it in the country or on peacekeeping duties.

It is a day to recognize the contributions and the sacrifices made by the officers at the peril of their lives.

According to him, once police officers paid the ultimate price in the course of performing their duty, the Police Memorial Day celebrates such heroes and engraves their memories as a permanent monument.

The idea for the observation was conceived in November 24, 2014 but the maiden event took place on a bare floor at the time.

The cenotaph was first used to mark the Remembrance Day for officers who perished in November 2015 and 2016.

The day has been permanently fixed for November 2 to coincide with all Souls Day of the Catholic Calendar.

The Police Administration also uses the occasion to visit families of the bereaved families and offer them some support while church services and Muslim prayers are held after the ceremony in honour of the dead.

In an exhortation, Rev. Mensah-Kwagyir reminded everyone about the inevitability of death and said: “The reality is that we will all exit the world in different circumstances and so no one can escape it.”

He said the death of a police officer was not only a loss to the family but to the nation as well and charged the police officers to be steadfast and focused on their duties.

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