NPP primaries: Group promotes Controller and Accountant General’s bid for Akim Swedru.


Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem, Controller and Accountant General, has received support and endorsement from high-profile personalities, politicians, religious leaders, and civil society organisations since declaring his parliamentary ambition to run on the New Patriotic Party (NPP) ticket in the Eastern Region’s Akim Swedru Constituency.

The Centre For the Vulnerable (CFV), a group of media practitioners and Human Resource Management specialists, is the latest to support Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem’s choice to run for the NPP’s Akim Swedru seat in the 2024 elections.

At a press conference on Tuesday by the CFV at Akim Swedru, addressed by its president, Kwame Appiah, and the vice-president (Operations), Kwasi Adom, the group acknowledged the personal contributions of Mr. Kwaning to society and, in particular, to the people of Akim Swedru.

According to them, the immersed contribution by the Controller, devoid of one-party colours, cannot be overlooked.

“Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem, a personality with diverse experience and achievements in both public and private lives, leaves indelible prints. Hence, it’s time for him to represent the NPP in the Akim Swedru Constituency for the 2024 elections,” the group stated.

The president of the group acknowledged the humility and self-discipline that remain attributes of the Controller and Accountant General, and the exemplary leadership skills he has brought to public life and fame to the people of Akim Swedru.

Empowerment, sustainability of livelihood, foresight, chastity, transformation, and discipline are soaked with Mr. Kwaning, the group noted.

It thus urged NPP delegates to vote for Mr. Kwaning on Saturday, January 27, to become the NPP’s parliamentary candidate for the 2024 polls.

Below are excerpts from the press conference addressed by CFV:

“We have gathered here as the leadership of the Centre For the Vulnerable (CFV), a consortium of media practitioners and Human Resource Management experts with high professionalism and credibility across the country. It is a non-profit-making organization. Among our objectives are investigation, research, and inquiries into the conduct of both public and private professionals and subsequent endorsement or otherwise of these professionals.”

“The CFV, though non-partisan, embraces politics and therefore advocates for public office seekers with impeccable credentials for society and development. It is in this regard that the Centre For the Vulnerable (CFV) brings to the attention of the good people of Akim Swedru the astute silent hardworking son of the land whose image continuously glows beyond the society.”

After years of extensive and expansive research and inquiries into the political life and history of Akim Swedru Constituency of the Eastern Region by the CFV, it has been consistently revealed that the constituents are increasingly becoming frustrated, disappointed, and unhappy with the current political partisan leadership in the New Patriotic Party, hence agitation for a parliamentary representation change in the party for the 2024 election. The individual or person whom the Constituents have much hope, trust, pride, and confidence in is the Controller and Accountants General, Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem.

Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem has established himself both socially and politically within and without the Akim Swedru Constituency, becoming the pride and face of political leadership in the Bosome enclave. Most residents in the Eastern Region hold the view that he must lead the region into parliament in the 2024 parliamentary and presidential elections.

With over 35 years of standing in Public Service coupled with extensive senior management and leadership experience across varied governmental enterprises, local authorities, and private organizations, and having brought discipline and sanity into the payroll system of Ghana, Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem deservedly must lead and represent the NPP in 2024 for the good people of Akim Swedru.

Mr. Bosompem is credited, among other successes, for leading the implementation and efficiency; coordinating strategies that improved revenue mobilization and administration to achieve government fiscal consolidation goals, developing Ghana’s National Policy on Public-Private Partnership (PPP), to mention but a few.

It is also worth mentioning several logistics supports he rendered to the party to aid securing parliamentary seats since 1992. The aged, vulnerable, and orphans in the constituency continuously receive assistance from him devoid of any partisan affiliation.

The people of Akim Swedru Constituency have continued to enjoy the construction of nurses’ quarters, dormitory blocks, classroom blocks, water facilities, and roads from him for the past years and counting.

Mr. KKB upholds the highest professional standards to ensure the best outcomes and is competent at influencing others without undermining their professional judgment. He holds high moral foundations and frowns on moral decadence.

King Martin Luther Jr. once said, “At the end, we will not only remember the words of our oppressors but the silence of our friends.” Having this strong personality with impeccable credentials, the Center For the Vulnerable strongly endorses Mr. Kwasi Kwanning Bosompem, The Controller and Accountant General, to represent the Akim Swedru Constituency of the NPP for the 2024 parliamentary election.

CFV, therefore, entreats all the good people and delegates of Akim Swedru of the New Patriotic Party to vote for Mr. Kwasi Kwanning Bosompem for development, progress, accountability, and emancipation.”

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