NCCE urges media to remain professional ahead of Election 2024


Ms Cynthia Anima Boadu, the Bono Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has urged the media to remain professional and protect the media space from the use of vulgar languages, ahead of the Election 2024.

The use of vulgar language and unsavoury statements in the media undermines the prevailing peace and security of the nation.

Speaking on the 2024 theme for the commission “Together We Can Build Ghana, So Get Involved” in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sunyani, Ms Boadu also asked the media to endeavour to sieve their stories and avoid reports that could disturb national peace.

She highlighted the critical role of the media towards accelerated national development, hence the need for the media to remain circumspect and use their outlets to preach peace and social cohesion.

 Ms Boadu stressed nation building remained shared and collective responsibility that required or demanded the contribution of everybody, saying the Election 2024 approached, it was therefore, imperative to ensure that the media space was devoid of insults and inflammatory language.

“These negative behaviours are so detrimental to peace and stability,” she stated, and advised the media not to give their space, but ignore politicians whose conduct could create confusion and disorder in society.

Ms Boadu also advised hosts of the various radio programmes to take charge and control their panels from using abusive statements in the airwaves.

There is the need for the media to create a peaceful atmosphere for sound political discourses that would enlighten and thereby empower the electorate to make informed decisions when they go to ballot.

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