Enoch Dzah’s Thought: My Journey Through Financial Literacy


Growing up, the subject of money was never mentioned at home and not even outside home nor in schools. Talking about money was seen more as a ‘sin’.

Everyone was concerned about their own affairs. Many mishandling the little monies they got.

Somewhere in 2012, I came across a book by Robert Kiyosaki ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This book changed my perception about money and aroused my curiousity on the topic.

I begun to read a bit wide on the subject of money.

I realised after sometime that, it wasn’t only my home that the subject of money is not discussed as most of my friends knew little or nothing about it.

READ ALSO Enoch Dzah’s Thoughts: “How To Know High Risk Investment Offers Using Interest Rate

In my bid to know for myself, it affected my choice of programme in the University and my professional courses.

The subject has led me to explore its good, bad and ugly areas. Leading me to learn about it by experimenting the knowledge I’ve acquired. I have lost and gained on monies I’ve invested and traded.

It has been an experience of what we call ‘bitter sweet’.

Since 2016, I have assisted a number of friends and recommendations to get their finances right. I did this by giving them the basics and a bit of depth of financial literacy.

This is the story of most of us. We either know little or nothing about the subject of money. It has led us to invest in Ponzi schemes that has caused us to lose huge sums of money.

Until you do it right, you are doing it wrong. There are ways.

Join us every Tuesday as we explore these Ways.

Enoch Dzah
The author is an Investment Professional, Banker, Financial Literacy Advocate and a Pastor. He is a CFA Level 1 Candidate and holds the Ghana Stock Exchange Securities Course Certificate.

enochdzah94@gmail.com or 0241603589

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