After being informed by doctors that she would never walk again due to being hit by a car while crossing the street, Ann Doe made a point to tune in to the Good Friday Miracle service online, despite being unable to physically attend.

During the prayer session for the sick, she heard the Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills declare, “To those in the hospital, I pray for you, rise and walk!” In her testimony, she recounted enthusiastically shouting “Amen!” Two weeks later, to the astonishment of hospital staff, Ann Doe miraculously got out of bed and started walking. Such extraordinary occurrences, like Ann’s healing, happen annually at the Good Friday Miracle Service.
Who is Dag Heward-Mills?
He stands as one of the most renowned pastors of our era, known for his impactful ministry. Serving as a pastor at one of the largest churches globally, the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse group of churches, his influence extends across nearly 4000 branches in over 90 countries. Additionally, he is a prolific author, with a remarkable 50 million books published to date. The ministry of Bishop Dag has profoundly impacted numerous pastors and Christians worldwide.
Massive Crowd and Miracles at the Good Friday Service
This year’s Good Friday Miracle Service with the Evangelist was hosted at the Accra Sports Stadium. Undoubtedly, it was one of Ghana’s largest gatherings, drawing over 70,000 Christians. The service featured a 5000-member choir and the country’s largest dance troupe, boasting over 1000 dancers.
A key aspect of the service was dedicated to healing, deliverance, and miracles. Many attendees at this year’s Good Friday Miracle Service sought God’s healing touch through the ministry of Bishop Dag. Testimonies from the service included healing from cervical spine spondylosis, eye myopia, myasthenia gravis, and numerous other ailments.

God has bestowed upon Evangelist Dag Heward Mills the healing anointing, enabling him to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ with profound power. People from numerous countries have experienced the healing touch of God through the Evangelist. Under his ministry, many individuals have been healed from cancers and tumors, blind eyes have regained sight, deaf ears have heard, the crippled have walked, and even the dead have been raised.
Life-changing Message at the Good Friday Service
Good Friday is a solemn day observed by Christians worldwide to commemorate the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Despite the somber nature of this day, it is referred to as “Good” Friday because it marks the profound sacrifice Jesus made on the cross to reconcile humanity with God. During this year’s Good Friday service, Dag Heward-Mills delivered a sermon on the parable of the prodigal son.
He urged the congregation not to emulate the prodigal son’s actions of straying far from his father. As his message concluded, He extended an altar call, inviting those who wished to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. Many responded to the call and experienced the transformative power of Jesus Christ’s salvation.
The Good Friday Miracle Service reached its peak with prayers of blessings led by Bishop Dag. Following a communion session, he invited the crowd to raise their hands to receive a blessing. The entire stadium reverberated with the presence of God as many responded with hearty “Amens” after each blessing. If you happen to be in Ghana during Easter, be sure to attend the annual Good Friday Miracle Service with Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills.