Credit Agricole Egypt has extended its digital user experience and launched the third digital channel “desktop channel”.
Since 2016, credit Agricole Egypt has started to implement eBSEG CEEP omnichannel banking platform as a part of its Customer Experience and Marketing strategy for delighting their valued customers and to fulfill their digital transformation vision, after eBSEG has successfully helped the bank to launch mobile banking and tablet banking on previous engagements continuing to use eBSEG CEEP Digital baking platform.
Credit Agricole Egypt is considered as the first bank to have a Real full Opti/Omni channel on all three digital channels (Mobile- Tablet- Desktop).
eBSEG™ Customer Experience & Engagement Omnichannel Platform CEEP™ platform has been created around customer-centric design principles and delivers ubiquitous digital experiences, true build once deploy many architecture, across multiple devices and customer touch points.
eBSEG provide Customer experience platform for all digital channels which include (internet-mobile-tablet- chatbot-Apple watch-ATM/Kiosk-Call center-messaging).
In 2018, Credit Agricole Egypt mobile banking application was awarded as “Best in Mobile Banking” from the Global Finance World’s Best Digital Bank Awards.